Mastering the Five Levels of Creativity (Part 1) Is everyone creative? Sure they are but in very different ways and to varying degrees. Read More
Doing the Creative Work the Company Can’t: Part 3 – How You Innovate is What You Innovate “One cannot alter a condition with the same mindset that created it in the first place.” Read More
Doing the Creative Work the Company Can’t: Part 2 – The Rise of the Creativizer In most dynastic organizations there is a special role for the highly practiced innovation master who apprentices the novitiate through a “see one, do one, teach one” process of development. Read More
Innovation Is Messy: Navigating the Twists and Turns Innovation is messy. It’s about constructive conflict—not agreement. Read More
The Innovation Do-Over List Each year around this time the calls and emails start – magazines, associations, think tanks. Read More
OpenCo Festivals selects Detroit for Upcoming Business Innovation Day DETROIT, JULY 24 – OpenCo, a unique “inside-out” business conference, has selected Detroit as their next global destination for a celebration of open-style business. Read More
MacGyver Mind, McDonald’s Mind In some practical ways our world is still illuminated by the Scottish Enlightenment that brought us such goodies as electromagnetism, capitalism and single malt whisky. Read More
For All the Go-to-Guys on Father’s Day Barry Sanders, arguably the greatest running back to every play football, never spiked the ball when scored a touchdown. Read More
Oh, The Joys of Screwing Up Innovation poses two problems for most leaders, given the way they are trained to think. Read More
Why Innovation Is So Hard Chances are, innovation doesn’t work where you work — or only works some of the time, mostly in spite of your organization’s system and processes. Read More
Enlighten and Entertain From grade school and up we put our wares on exhibition and show and tell the story of our stuff. Read More
Apprentice the Sorcerer “But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new. Read More