How to Turn Conflict Into Creativity Two talented people who have nothing in common are more likely to create something exciting than two talented people who think the same way. Read More
Innovation: Hide Inside Trojan Horses Whether Greeks bearing gifts for stalwart King Priam of Troy or a malware computer virus masquerading as a can’t miss offer, the Trojan horse has come to represent a manipulative strategy of trickery and deception. Read More
Jeff DeGraff on “Small Business: Smart Solutions” Jeff DeGraff was recently a featured guest on the radio show “Small Business: Smart Solutions.” Read More
Innovation: Master the Art of SODOTO Ornithologists report that New Caledonian crows fashion twigs into tools for collecting and extracting insects from the hollows of trees. Read More
Innovation: Old Crops, New Soil Did you know that some of the largest chapters of agricultural groups like the Future Farmers of America are in urban centers? Read More
Jeff DeGraff on “The Second Stage” Jeff DeGraff was recently a featured guest on the radio show “The Second Stage.” Read More
Can the “Commies” Innovate? The headlines about the economic fortunes of the 1% and the associated political maneuvering to influence and manipulate our world view are disturbingly reminiscent of those in the early-twentieth century when mega-corporations called “trusts” ruled the day. Read More
Innovation: There Is No Final Destination Innovations don’t stay innovations. Read More
Innovation: Making the Unknown Known In his magnum opus Critique of Pure Reason, the philosopher Immanuel Kant builds a bridge between what is known, what is unknown and what is unknowable. Read More
Innovation Starts in Dark Places There is a dark, untold back story of innovation that may disturb you: many of the earliest forms of the world’s biggest technological advancements were pioneered by bad people in morally corrupt contexts. Read More
Originality is Not All That Original What do William Shakespeare and Led Zeppelin have in common? Read More
The False Ambition of Innovation Booze only brings false courage but coffee incites false ambition, an equally dangerous proposition. Read More