The Enlivened Self - a book by Jeff DeGraff

The Enlivened Self

The Enlivened Self

The Enlivened Self offers rich philosophical insight to carve out some space in your daily life to consider the art of growing into the creative, collaborative, and compelling leader you aspire to be.

Packed with deep insight, balanced with practical suggestions, and rich with media, resources, and opportunities to engage, The Enlivened Self is a guidebook for all who want to become the very best version of themselves.

Spend some time with Jeff through this book, even if you can’t take a course at the University of Michigan or crash the board room meeting at a Fortune 500 company where he’s consulting. Sweeping in scope but direct in approach, these pages are a view into a creative mind at work and an invitation to join Jeff in the art of growing.

Engage. Connect. Create.

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