We Are Only the Star in Our Own Movie; to Everyone Else We Are Just Extras “I am big! It’s the pictures that got small.” Read More
Ride What Moves “Catch a wave and you’re sitting on top of the world” (The Beach Boys) Near Santa Cruz, on beautiful Monterey Bay, there is a marvelous place called Steamers Lane where the accomplished and novice surfers test their skills of balance and timing against the temperamental Pacific Ocean. Read More
Guest Post: Stop Competing – Start Innovating – Part 1 By Daniel Burrus Daniel Burrus Technology Futurist, Keynote Speaker on Business Trends, Technology and Future Trends. Read More
SECTION I: First Principles of Growth – Part 2 The diversity of history and thought has provided us with a wide array of building blocks to construct and make sense of our lives. Read More
SECTION I: First Principles of Growth “Time is the substance I am made of.  Read More
The Enlivened Self “Man is a piece of the universe made alive” (Ralph Waldo Emerson) My first memory as child involves wrestling with a rebellious orange life-vest that smelled like an unfortunate combination of grass clippings and Lucky Strikes. Read More
Amazon.com: Innovation You: Four Steps to Becoming New and Improved (9780345530691): Jeff Degraff: Books Innovation You, the guidebook for personal innovation will be released on July 26, 2011. Read More
Innovation Genome – Interview with Jeff DeGraff This is an Idea Connection interview with Jeff about the innovation concepts explained in his Leading Innovation book. Read More
April Video Interview Here’s a new interview video discussing innovative company’s and overcoming hurdles to innovation. Read More
Call Your Mother Social media has made it incredibly easy to maintain a large social network. Read More
Innovation Pizza For those who work in the innovation field, life is always about change—bringing change to companies, creating change that will last, changing the way companies are creating change. Read More
Classroom Tech Many high schools, colleges and universities are taking stance on the technology revolution when it comes to their classrooms. Read More